Hubungan Antara Reumatoid Faktor Terhadap Jumlah Leukosit Pada Penderita Rematik


  • Annisa Nurul Hikmah D3 TLM UNIMUS
  • Budi Santosa Department of Health and Nursing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
  • Herlisa Anggraini Department of Health and Nursing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang



Rheumatoid factor, Leukocytes sum


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How to Cite

Hikmah, A. N., Santosa, B., & Anggraini, H. . (2022). Hubungan Antara Reumatoid Faktor Terhadap Jumlah Leukosit Pada Penderita Rematik . Jurnal Litbang Edusaintech, 3(2), 66-71.

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