Implementation of Lesson Study in Learning Sets through the Interaction of Living Things with the Environment


  • Suryaning Fajar Sari Muhammadiyah Plus Junior High School Salatiga
  • Arif Fahrurozi
  • Tri Bekti



Sets, Interaction, Lesson study, Living things


The purpose of this activity is to observe the learning process in relation between learning materials, students and teachers interaction and interactions among students in learning through the implementation of lesson study. In general, this activity is a collaboration among the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang, the Regional Leadership of Muhammadiyah Central Java and all Muhammadiyah schools in Central Java from July to September 2021. In particular, this activity was held at Muhammadiyah Plus Junior High School Salatiga in August 2021. Lesson study based on The school was participated by mathematics and science teachers at Muhammadiyah Plus Junior High School Salatiga based on the following stages: (1) planning (plan), (2) implementation (do), and (3) reflection (see). Mathematics and science teachers carry out lesson plans by making chapter designs and lesson designs. The implementation of lesson study at Muhammadiyah Plus Junior High School Salatiga based on integrated learning which applied in group learning through the interaction of living things with the environment. Furthermore, there is a reflection towards  implementation stages and find to solve the problem happened so that the next learning can be carried out properly.




How to Cite

Sari, S. F., Fahrurozi, A., & Bekti, T. (2024). Implementation of Lesson Study in Learning Sets through the Interaction of Living Things with the Environment. Journal of Lesson Study in Teacher Education, 2(1), 26-32.